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Norway grants

Project name: "Collaboration in the execution of doctoral study programmes focusing on engineering, materials and mechatronics"

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Application number: NF-CZ07-ICP-2-1142014
Programme: CZ07 - Scholarship Programme and Bilateral Scholarship Programme

This project is supported by the EEA and Norway Grants.


Planned period of project implementation: 1. 3. 2015 – 29. 2. 2016

Project funding: Total project expenditures = 1 108 617 Kč

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Project summary:
The aim of the project is to establish sustainable collaboration in the execution of PhD study programs focusing on engineering, materials and mechatronics between the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) and the University of Stavanger in Norway (UIS).

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To establish sustainable collaboration between TUL and UIS the project will make use of several activities, which are as follows:

1. Individual visits of academic and administrative staff at the partner university.
2. Workshops for PhD students and their lectures.
3. Summer School.
4. A manual written in English at both universities, providing constructive guidance on how to begin doctoral studies in the given country.
5. Documentation of selected doctoral programs will be reviewed and where necessary updated in English and the national language. This will form the basis for analyzing possibilities for harmonization of related programmes in order to prepare agreements on “double degree diplomas”.

Partner institution: University of Stavanger

Project presentation at the University of Stavanger norway website

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Description of organization and activities of project partner:
The University of Stavanger (UIS) currently enrols over 8,000 students and employs 1,000 academic and administrative members of staff. The university is organized into three faculties and several national centres of expertise. The Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Material Technology, the partner in this project, is one of the five departments of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UiS. The department’s research and education are basically oriented towards offshore activities including marine and subsea technology.


Name of activity: Individual visit
Activity participant: Ing. Michal Petrů, Ph.D.
Host organization: University of Stavanger (Norway)
Beginning: 28. 7. 2015
End: 1. 8. 2015
Photos: HERE

Name of activity: Summer School
Invitation: HERE
Programme: HERE
Article from summer school: HERE
Report from summer school: HERE
Photos from Summer School: HERE
Host organization: Technical university of Liberci
Start date: 10. 8. 2015
End date: 16. 8. 2015

Name of activity: Individual visit
Activity participant: Ing. Petr Kulhavý (Ph.D. student)
Host organization: University of Stavanger (Norsko)
Start date: 17. 11. 2015
End date: 19. 11. 2015
Photos: HERE

Name of activity: Seminar in Norway
Invitation: HERE
Programme: HERE
Photos: HERE
Host organization: University of Stavanger (Norway)
Beginning: 7. 12. 2015
End: 11. 12. 2015

Name of activity: Seminar in the Czech Republic
Invitation: HERE
Programme: HERE
Photos: HERE
Host organization: Technical university of Liberci
Beginning: 9. 2. 2016
End: 13. 2. 2016

Name of activity: Final seminar at Technical University of Liberec
Invitation: HERE
Photos: HERE
Host organization: Technical university of Liberci
Beginning: 31. 3. 2016 at 13.00, Building L (CXi)

Results project:

Manual for starting a doctoral study programme at Technical University of Liberec: HERE
PhD Studies Methodology at University of Stavanger: HERE

List of publicity activities conducted:
Information and communication material: Roll-up banners
Project: HERE
Seminar in Norway: HERE
Individual visit: HERE
Seminar in Czech Republic: HERE

Special media releases:
2) http://tuni.tul.cz/rubriky/veda-a-vyzkum/id:78138/norsti-a-cesti-doktorandi-ve-spolecnem-projektu
4) https://www.facebook.com/TechnicalUniversityLiberec/posts/583919301772963
5) https://www.facebook.com/TechnicalUniversityLiberec/posts/572502716247955

Project support:
Supported using financial aid from program: EEA and Norway Grants
Program mediator: Dům zahraniční spolupráce
More information: HERE
Link EEA/Norway grants: HERE

Dům zahraniční spolupráce
Na Poříčí 1035/4
110 00 Praha 1

Contact person of the project:
doc. Ing. Petr Tůma, CSc.
email: petr.tuma@tul.cz
phone: +420 485 353 101

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group