+420 485 353 852|



What is CXI

The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation is a research centre, one of the parts of the Technical University of Liberec. We have a long name, so we use the abbreviation CXI as an equivalent.

We have 12 years of existence. With one hundred research projects per year, we are one of the most successful research centres in the Czech Republic.

We provide research and development services in nanomaterials, engineering and software solutions. We have experienced teams and unique technical equipment and thanks to that we can design the best solutions. We do analysis, develop and manufacture prototypes, perform tests, trials and measurements at different stages of development. We combine expertise and new knowledge from basic research and put it to concrete use. We mostly collaborate on innovations with companies and institutions.

We strive for quality science and research, for equal employment opportunities for women and men, for Czech and foreign researchers, and for cooperation in a national and international context.

In addition to the processing and use of new advanced materials (in particular nanomaterials), the Institute focuses on the development and use of advanced engineering constructions and technology (especially mechatronic systems, propulsion units, etc.). One of its priorities is the application of the results of research and their applicability in practice.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group