+420 485 353 852|



+420 485 353 852|



Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change

  • Acronym: MAURICE
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Program: Interreg Central Europe
  • Coordinator: Central Mining Institut, Katowice, Poland
  • Duration: 1. 4. 2023 – 31. 3. 2026
  • Grant: 2.920.259,45 EUR
  • Web : https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/maurice/

Project annotation:
Climate changes (CC) pose a risk to water resources availability in many CE countries. The regions need to increase resilience to extreme weather events as urban droughts and floods as well as depletion of urban groundwater (GW) resources. Both falling groundwater levels in long term and the excessive amounts of water in short period become urgent risks to be tackled by adequate water management practises. The project aims to enhance the capacity of regions in CE for climate change resilience in the aspect of urban water resources management by joint development of climateadaptation solutions. The project solutions to be adopted by public administrations and water management bodies will result in a behavioural change in water management and spatial planning practices to increase the resilience to climate change in regions.
Key innovation is provided through the integral consideration of water management issues being part of regional and city related wider climate change adaptation concepts and the comprehensive water management approach. The cooperation network of 11 organisations will jointly develop and implement 6 pilot actions, 8 solutions, 6 action plans and a managament strategy to the benefit of cities, regions and related water management and water supply organisations. All solutions will have innovative character and have not been used so far in the involved regions.
The transnational cooperation of the partners from various regions is needed to gather exemplification of key aspects to be tackled and related regional expertise. Working at transnational
level will increase the capacity and enhance the knowledge transfer to reduce barriers to effective climate change adaptation of regions. We expect that the network and best practise demonstrated will increase awareness of local and regional policy makers encouraging further implementation of jointly developed strategy, action plans and solutions to climate change adaptation in the context of urban water management.

Project partners:
Město Nový Bydžov
Technická univerzita v Liberci
State Capital of Stuttgart
Politecnico di Milano
East Ticino Villoresi Reclamation and Irrigation Consortium
Geological survey of Slovenia
Ljubljana Waterworks and Sewerage
University of Zagreb
City Municipality Varaždin
Municipality of Jaworzno city

Ing. Tomáš Lederer, Ph.D.

Main Researcher for TUL

Ing. Tomáš Lederer, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3260; mobile:+420 730160329

E tomas.lederer@tul.cz

Preparation and management of projects in the area of water technology, remediation and biodegradability



A team from CXI Technical University in Liberec is working on rainwater harvesting for Nový Bydžov. The experts want to find out how rainwater can contribute to the protection of drinking water resources and reduce their consumption for urban purposes, such as the production of ice surfaces at the ice rink or water recycling at the city swimming pool. More in our video:


How is climate change affecting water resources? Watch a video about the MAURICE project in Stuttgart:

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group
Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group
Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group