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10 reasons to become a researcher at CXI

11. 3. 2022

Hard work, knowledge, fun and networking - these words could describe the position of a "researcher" at CXI. I don't mind working hard, I like to explore, I couldn't imagine life (or work) without fun, and I can't imagine it without communication and networking. In the following paragraphs I will try to give you 10 reasons why I like my job and why others might like it too.

  1.  Research
    Nowadays, coming up with something new or innovative is quite difficult, which makes the "scientific" pleasure all the greater when it succeeds. I feel good when our research is successful and applicable to practice. And because our department of OTŽP is involved in environmental biotechnology, the results of our research contribute to the quality and sustainability of the environment. Therefore, we can positively influence current environmental problems through our research and thus contribute to current and future society.

  2. The academic environment
    The academic environment is so different from the corporate environment that I definitely recommend trying both. Different conditions suit everyone, and everyone will find "their own thing" in a given environment. Personally, I prefer an environment with a diverse group of people, more relaxed working hours (even if this often means working evenings and weekends), an active and logical approach to problem solving and a varied workload - that's what an academic environment offers.

  3. Networking
    Working as a "researcher" allows you to meet different types of people and professions. Making new contacts is very important for personal and professional development. Whether it is working together on a specific research or project, or even on the popularisation of a scientific topic, better results are usually achieved when more than one professional is involved. In this case, I stick to the saying I have listed on my Linkedin account: "An expert cannot understand everything, he is limited by his field. He who is not an expert in anything is not limited by anything".

  4. Travel
    This job offers many, many opportunities to visit domestic or foreign places. Be it conferences, meetings, international networking or trade fairs, every opportunity to attend these events is priceless. It's a new impetus for work commitment, an opportunity to present our work, of course there are new meetings and what's more, it's experience that counts (not only on a CV). For me, traveling is a passion in my personal life as well, so I really appreciate every opportunity to look beyond our TUL territory. I have traveled to more than 50 countries around the world, and my current job and studies at TUL have helped me a lot. And so far I have not gotten tired of it, on the contrary, I am looking forward to more and more trips, even the working ones!

  5. Colleagues and friends
    It is common to meet colleagues at every job. If we meet them often or perhaps spend all day with them, conflicts can sometimes arise and it depends on how (how) we resolve them. It's not always completely easy, but in general I can say that at CXI we function as "one big family". Personally, I meet colleagues who are close to me in their thinking and we can find common ground. Relationships in our workplace are very dynamic and sincere, which creates a very good atmosphere and maybe even room for friendships to form.

  6. Management
    In my opinion, the basis for a healthy work team is a reasonable and fair-minded leader, and this applies to all layers of the organisational structure. Fortunately, we have that here!

  7. Building CXI
    The working environment is a great asset. Our CXI building is new, modern and stylish. We have state-of-the-art instruments and equipment in the offices and especially in the laboratories where the work is done. Absolutely ideal for the work of a "researcher", as we can find everything we need here. Including a place to rest :)

  8. Study
    Personal development and education is welcome here. I am studying (hopefully finishing) a PhD programme and have been supported from all sides throughout. It is a huge asset to self-development and also to the professionalism of the work team.

  9. Variety
    I can't imagine doing a job where I do one activity over and over again all day. That is not an option here! The work as a "researcher" is so varied that it is impossible to get bored. And what does the job actually involve: research in the lab, testing at sites, data analysis, various PC work, dealing with project partners, attending conferences, supervising student work, a lot of thinking and much more.

  10. Stability
    CXI's stability is evidenced by a number of indicators and I feel myself to be in a very stable environment. Next, I will just give a quote that everyone can interpret in their own way: "True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed." Tom Robbins

So those were the 10 reasons that brought me personally to work as a "researcher" at CXI and what's more, they are the 10 reasons I am still here and enjoying it!

Karel Havlicek, Researcher at Department of Enviromental Technology, traveller and a person who enjoys his work

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