New Year greetings
1. 1. 2021
Dear colleagues,
Let me once again wish us all the calming of the epidemic situation, many professional and personal successes and, above all, good health.
As I mentioned at the meeting on the occasion of thanking the Director Emeritus Peter Tuma, our institute is in a very good condition and last year did not have significant negative impact on its activities.
From this point of view, I would like this year to be distinctly calmer, the whole institution to have stabilized and the ongoing changes to be completed. The feeling of stability is very important to most colleagues, especially during the difficult times of this epidemiologically problematic period. I would also like us to have the opportunity this year to meet at staff meetings and similar events that will contribute to a sense of belonging to CxI.

The institute has many very skilled and passionate scientific, technical and administrative staff, who enjoy working here. My vision is to provide them with appropriate conditions, background and opportunities for their further development. The aim is to wrap CxI in an accomplishment of being an independent part of TUL, which will become an internationally recognized and respected institution in selected areas of research.
Míra Černík