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AMIA Members Meeting on 24 October at CXI

20. 9. 2022

AMIA: Exclusive benefits, regular meetings and an extra share of CXI research

The Advanced Materials Industry Association AMIA is active at CXI. It connects people from industry and research who meet regularly to share technical and technological trends and discuss research and innovation.

Be there and meet like-minded innovators from our research team and other industry companies.

Register for the event HERE.


What is the Advanced Materials Industry Association AMIA?

AMIA is primarily focused on three main pillars: research and development, business and innovation.
Therefore, it brings people from industry and research together at regular meetings to share technical and technological trends, specific problems and experiences.


Who is the AMIA meeting for?

Representatives from private companies that develop technical or technological products and services.


When: 24 October from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: building L - Institute for Nanomaterials,
Advanced Technologies and Innovation TUL (CXI),
Bendlova 1409/7, Liberec


What can you expect?

1. Meet our research experts who are working on 3D printing, nanomaterials, surface modification and/or nanofibre structures in biotechnology and medicine. They will introduce you to the current trends in their work, show you around their laboratories and demonstrate their technical equipment.

2. You will find out what opportunities we give you and your company. You can consult your ideas and problems on the spot.




• Opening remarks by the Director of the Institute - Prof. Dr. Ing. Prof. Miroslav Černík CSc.
• Organizational information, presentation of successful activities at CXI, AMIA concept, contractual framework, decision-making mechanisms, intellectual property management

• Presentation and evaluation of research results in the following areas:

1. 3D-Printing of ceramic materials - Ing. Veronika Truxová

2. Hydrophobic surface treatments - Ing. Karolína Voleská, Ph.D.

3. Valorization of tree gum polysaccharides in enviromental applications
- Rohith Kunjiparambil Ramakrishnan

4. Microfluidics for industrial applications - Ing. Darina Jasikova, Ph.D.

5. Nanofibrous structures for conjugation in biotechnology and medicine
- Ing. Miroslava Rysová, Ph.D.

6. Preparation of nanoalloys using lasers - Ondřej Havelka

7. Inorganic nanofibers for drug delivery - Ing. Hana Tománková MSc

8. Thin films formed by atmospheric plasma
- RNDr. Michal Krejčík

12:00-12:45 Coffee break

12:45 -14:00 Trends 2022

1. 3D-Printing - Ing. Jiří Šafka, Ph.D.

2. Process of registration of new nanomaterials in the EU – RNDr. Alena Ševců, Ph.D

14:00-15:00 Discutions, suggestions for new research topics from company representatives

15:00-16:00 Tour in our labs


Please register for the event by Thursday 20 October.


Questions about the AMIA meeting? Ask:

Being a member of AMIA means being part of an inspiring community of people from industry, development and innovation. And on top of that, have access to the world-class research of CXI TUL. Be there and become an active member.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group