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Young and promising students = future scientists. We have them at CXI!

27. 10. 2022

Tomáš Dufek is a student of Nanotechnology at the Technical University of Liberec. For the last 2 years he has been coming to the laboratories of our OTŽP department, where he works on preparation, modification and testing of membranes. Tomáš is also working hard on his master thesis, in which he deals with the modification of nanofibre membranes for wastewater filtration. In doing so, he is helping the whole team to solve a specific problem and expanding his practical skills. And this is exactly how it should be, because the involvement of students in scientific activities during their studies is highly desirable and mutually beneficial.

Tomas' studies focus on the use and characterization of nanofibrous materials across disciplines. He prefers to focus on applied research, to which he tries to dedicate himself fully. He sees his studies at TULce in a really positive light and is very actively taking the opportunity to work in a research institute (CXI). He can apply the knowledge from his studies and at the same time gets to put it into concrete practical research activities.
Tomáš is a really active student and has experience with a number of professional presentations, which was confirmed by his participation in the 10th Student Workshop 2022 held on 19 October at the Membrane Innovation Centre of MemBrain s.r.o. Not only did he professionally presented his professional topic and the Environmental Technology Department, but also won the competition for the best presentation in his section. A total of 14 presenters presented their work and with the topic "Possibilities of using nanofibers in air gap membrane distillation and comparison to direct contact module" he won over the audience and the judges, for which we congratulate and thank him very much.

Tomas' main motivation is knowledge and experience, which he will use in his future scientific work. He would like to contribute to the development of new technologies for solving environmental problems. "For example, I see wastewater pollution with specific substances as a major problem that needs to be addressed intensively. Therefore, I am trying to collaborate on the development of technologies and methods that would bring innovative solutions to issues related to ensuring the sustainability of the environment, specifically water resources," explains Tomáš his vision for his future research work. We totally agree: water needs to be well looked after. It is a precious resource and without water there is no life.
At CXI, we try to support Tomas and other students. We create the conditions for them to show and, most importantly, realise their potential.

We wish Tomas every success in his scientific career and good luck for the defence of his thesis!

Proud OTŽP team!

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