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10th meeting of the AMIA association. CXI TUL introduced new research

20. 5. 2024

The tenth annual meeting of the members of the AMIA industrial association was held at the CXI TUL Institute this year. On the university campus, scientists met with partners from companies to discuss the latest trends in the world of innovation and research.

The contribution of the AMIA association is that industrial partners come up with topics that can influence the direction of research within the CXI TUL Institute. This year's meeting has been moved from the traditional autumn date to April, when companies have more time. The "getting to know new trends" section has also been expanded to include the area of digitization in industry. The event was in the spirit of celebrating cooperation with external parties over the past ten years.

Researchers gave a number of inspiring lectures. The audience could hear, for example, lectures on the strengthening of nanofibers using natural substances and AI in industry. There was also talk of hydrophobic treatment of surfaces or 3D printing of ceramic materials up to the use of waste glass. After the lectures, the participants had the opportunity to visit selected laboratories, where they could see, for example, the new unique FIB-SEM dual beam electron microscope.

"A very nice meeting that had to convince even the skeptics that the AMIA idea has a future. I met both familiar faces from founding companies and newcomers there. The most interesting thing is the variety of fields from which the members of the company come," highlights the power of establishing new contacts within AMIA Bohumil Cimbál, head of research and development at ATREA s.r.o. in Jablonec nad Nisou.

Lucie Bubníková, project manager of the Liberec District Chamber of Commerce, adds that networking between participants and the exchange of contacts for possible further cooperation are positive aspects of this event. "All parts were interesting. However, the presentation of the biologist Miroslava Rysová on new trends in the use of nanomaterials in biotechnology, entitled Inorganic nanofibers for the transport of drugs, was the most important. I was also interested in the lectures on research into waste glass recycling and AI in industry by Jan Kočí, a specialist in process modeling and artificial intelligence," says Lucie Bubníková.

"The event is equally beneficial for all participants from the academia. It's always very interesting for me to find out what problems industry partners are currently solving and what development plans they have. They are often limited by legislation that we don't even know is limiting them," describes the event from the point of view of scientist biologist Miroslava Rysová. "Every year of the AMIA meeting is a little different. It is always interesting to see how the topics at TUL develop thanks to the companies' comments. It was obvious that this year, for example, Maria Stará's research on the possibilities of using recycled glass was very interesting for all," continues Miroslava Rysová.

Miroslav Ležák, head of production in the form of Praktik system s.r.o., was most attracted by the lecture on the use of waste glass by Marie Stará from the Department of Glass Machinery and Robotics FS TUL. "Obviously, when the glass from Praktik was in the main role," he laughs. "The lecture by environmental chemist Rafael Omar Torres Mendieta on the preparation of nanoalloys using lasers was also excellent," continues Miroslav Ležák.

The meeting was also beneficial for Helena Krutská, the chairman of the board of directors of EcoGlass, a.s. "The morning program was interesting for me from start to finish, even if not everything related to my field," he adds.

Members enjoy preferential pricing in the association for all contract research conducted under the auspices of CXI TUL. In the case of full membership, there is a fifteen percent discount, for associate members there is a ten percent discount. At the same time, members have access to information about new research, new trends, such as 3D printing or changes in legislation and new equipment of the institute. In the future, it is planned to offer AMIA members other benefits resulting from membership in the association. For example, participation in professional seminars, workshops or conferences.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group