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On Friday, come to the Night of Scientists and Women Scientists at CXI TUL.

25. 9. 2024

On Friday, you will experience the Night of Scientists and Women Scientists at the Technical University of Liberec. We have lots of transformations in store for you!


Those who know will come - and we want you to come too. On Friday, 27 September from 5 to 10 pm, we are preparing one of the most exciting scientific events of the year for you at CXI and throughout the Technical University of Liberec - the Night of Scientists 2024. The theme of this year's event is Transformation and you will have a unique opportunity to experience how science is changing and shaping the world around us.

"Science is the foundation of innovation, and it is at Scientists' Night that we show how it impacts our everyday lives. We want to inspire new generations to realise how transformation in science can influence the future," says CXI Director Miroslav Černík.

What will you experience with us? Transformations of light, metal, materials and objects


The programme is packed with examples of scientific transformations in physics, chemistry, technology and even artificial intelligence. All activities are open to the general public, whether you are a scientist, student, or just curious. And what can you see?

1. Transformations in time with the help of artificial intelligence - Interactive show about the latest AI technologies and their applications. Special guest Jakub Zach, together with his colleagues from OMI, Bekir Yildirim and Bohumil Kolář, will show you the connection between AI and Czech beer.

2. Transformation with clean mobility - Tomáš Petr from the Vehicle and Engine Department will present innovative electric vehicle systems and vehicles that the team develops, programs and tests themselves.

3. Transforming objects at different scales - Pavel Kejzlar and Michaela Petržílková will guide you through the fascinating world of microscopic observations. They have also prepared fun quizzes and puzzles!

4. Transforming Microbes - Nhung Nguyen will show you how invisible microbes can purify heavy metals. A science show full of microorganisms and ecology.

5. Transforming Light - Experiments with optical fibers led by Martin Šetina, where you will discover what light is and how we can control it.

6. Transforming material into a physical model - The 3D Technology Department, led by Jiří Šafka, will demonstrate the amazing possibilities of 3D printing. Bonus? Printed chocolate biscuits!

7. Transforming colour alchemy - Michal Řezanka, Martin Stuchlík and Pavlína Konopáčová from the Department of Nanochemistry will show you chemical reactions and breathtaking colour transformations. 

Where can you find us?

All activities take place in Building L, where the Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations of TUL is located: https://mapy.cz/zakladni?source=firm&id=13106335&x=15.0763996&y=50.7741376&z=17


The event is open to the public of all ages - from children to adults, from enthusiastic laymen to experts.

The event is open to the public of all ages - from children to adults, from enthusiastic laymen to experts.The event is open to the public of all ages - from children to adults, from enthusiastic laymen to experts. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Technical University of Liberec! The programme will also take place in other institutions including IQLANDIA and the Secondary and Higher School of Liberec.


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Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group