Separace vybraných kovů z vyřazených solárních panelů pomocí iontových kapalin
Registration number:SS01020288
Realization period:01.06. 2020 – 31.12. 2022
The project aims at developing a recycling process for metal elements of environmental importance, specifically Cd, Pb, In, Ga and Ge, from discharged solar (PV) panels. The process will be based on these elements transfer from the initial material (used PV panels) to suitable ionic liquid and electrochemical deposition on a solid electrode in the following step. According to the experience of
research team members and broader scientific community, physical-chemical properties of ionic liquids will allow both steps to be sufficiently effective for achieving the specific goal, which is the separation of at least 90 % of elements mentioned above. For In, Ga, Te and Ge, emphasis will be given to purity of the obtained product.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic