Kompozitní fotoaktivní nanomateriály k preventivní ochraně stavebních památek
Registration number:FW09020137
Realization period:01.09. 2023 – 31.08. 2026
Leader at TUL:RNDr. Alena Ševců, Ph.D.
Development of a generally valid method for the application of composite photoactive nanomaterials on the facades of historical buildings based on an understanding of the limits of their proper function.
Application of a verified procedure in the reconstruction and protection of cultural and historical buildings, churches, and castles in the Czech Republic and foreign countries.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.