MACHINA: Laser-Assisted Synthesis of Magnetic Chiral Nanoalloys
Registration number:24-12469M
Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 31.12. 2028
Leader at TUL:doc. Rafael Omar Torres Mendieta
To date, it is estimated that catalysis contributes to roughly 1/3 of the world's GDP, making it
one of the most critical knowledge fields for humankind. Among the multiple benefits this
powerful technology brings, the catalysts-driven acceleration of pharmaceuticals manufacture
occupies one of the most important places allowing their mass production and global
distribution, thus increasing life expectancy and quality of life. However, producing smartly
efficient catalysts for the pharmaceutical sector is not simple; as many crucial processes within
the human body are asymmetric, most drugs that treat human conditions should also be
asymmetric, so the catalysts needed for their creation. In the current project, we propose
expanding the chiral catalyst's construction practices through a laser-based revolutionary
pathway able to bring a new generation of highly specific chiral nanoalloys that can be reused
multiple times thanks to their magnetophoretic motility. The benefits arising from this
development will represent a much-needed breakthrough for nanocatalysts' truly tailored design