Preparation of microfluidic chips using advanced 3D printing for rapid detection of pathogenic organisms in water
Registration number:VB02000007
Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 31.12. 2026
Leader at TUL:Ing. Tomáš Lederer, Ph.D.
The essence of the proposed project is the development of technology based on a microfluidic chip (MFC) for rapidly detecting pathogenic microorganisms in water. This solution should significantly contribute to increasing safety in the area of emergency and normal use of water resources. Advanced techniques and materials such as 3D printing, nanostructures, biosensors (e.g. chromogenic indicators), and physical measurement of liquid characteristics (fluidics analysis) will prepare MFC capable of detecting pathogenic microorganisms. Different MFC parameters and specific channel geometries will be designed to ensure the functionality of these chips in the targeted area. The verification of the functionality of the biosensors of the MCF will be performed through molecular-genetics methods.