MBR-MBBR hybrid system using nanomaterials for wastewater post-treatment
Registration number:FW10010045
Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 30.06. 2026
Leader at TUL:Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.
Comprehensive design for the connection of MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) and MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) to create a hybrid system for improving the quality of effluent at WWTP; Compilation and testing of MBR technology, also include the choice of a suitable membrane; Detailed characterization of the already developed new type of composite biomass carrier and its laboratory testing in the proposed MBBR post-nitrification system; Modification of MBR and MBBR technologies based on laboratory test results; Completion of hybrid technology and its pilot verification at real WWTPs; Determination of operational, technical-technological and economic parameters of individual modules of technology and technology as a whole; Introduction of technology to the national and international market.

This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.
This project was funded under the National Recovery Plan from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.