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Development of electrodeionization modules for special applications

Registration number:FW10010298

Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 30.06. 2026

Leader at TUL:Ing. Jiří Šafka, Ph.D.

The project focuses on developments in the field of electrodeionization (EDI). EDI is a modern alternative to mixbed column water demineralization based on electromembrane separation processes (combining electrodialysis - ED - with ion exchange). The main objective of the presented project is the development of a new series of industrial EDI modules for the pharmaceutical industry. However, the resulting EDI module will also be applicable in the food, biotechnology, semiconductor and microelectronics industries.

This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.

This project was funded under the National Recovery Plan from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.

This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group