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Acoustic nano-composites for extreme environments

Registration number:FW10010398

Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 30.06. 2026

Leader at TUL:doc. Ing. Klára Kalinová, Ph.D.

This is a 2.5 year research project (1/2024 - 6/2026) to develop an acoustic material using nanofiber structures designed for harsh industrial environments. TUL/CXI will plan the experiments, together with the other co-investigators will ensure the production of nanofibers from different polymers with different parameters both in the laboratory (TUL) and in semi-operation at the nanofiber manufacturer (co-investigator), solve the adhesion of nanofibers and especially verify the acoustic characteristics of the new materials together with the project investigator (EKOLA). The application potential is considered primarily in industrial areas with acoustic requirements, or demanding environments with chemicals, high humidity, etc. The solution will include verification of other properties, e.g. mechanical, waterproof, fireproof, chemical resistant, etc. Among other things, the development will be directed to other applications such as sound attenuators (air conditioning), rolling stock, etc., together with outdoor use. The solver EKOLA has been in the acoustic systems market for a long time, is involved in the measurement of acoustic properties both indoors and outdoors and wants to have its own special product in its portfolio that could be applied in the market.

This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.

This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Programme.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group