PerSlowAct - Remedial Technology of Slow-Release/Activated Persulfate for Long Lasting In Situ Chemical Oxidation
Registration number:TM05000018
Realization period:01.01. 2024 – 31.12. 2025
Leader at TUL:RNDr. Jan Němeček, Ph.D.
The project aims to research materials for soil and groundwater remediation using in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO). The objective is to develop materials capable of gradually releasing and activating the oxidizing agent and verify their practical applicability. The materials will be based on potassium persulfate supplemented with suitable activators based on solid waste materials (e.g. iron chips), and thickeners. Laboratory testing will determine the optimal mixture, which will be applied at a real contaminated site. The site will undergo detailed characterization, and the impact of the developed oxidizing agent application will be monitored. The project outcomes will include 2 utility models of the materials (for 2 types of contamination) and a verified technology for their application.