Innovative use of phytoscreening to identify groundwater contamination by specific micropollutants
Registration number:SS07010234
Realization period:01.04. 2024 – 31.12. 2026
Leader at TUL:RNDr. Bc. Stanislava Vrchovecká
The present project aims to exploit the information potential and applicability of phytoscreening methods for detecting anthropogenic substances and monitoring the contamination plumes spread in soil, ground- and surface water. The project aims to evaluate their potential for primary pollution screening as a non-invasive, eco-friendly alternative to existing, financially and technically exhaustive methods. Simultaneously, the project is aimed at a practical application to test the applicability of the methods for sufficient protection zone widths for water sources and the width of infiltration at riparian infiltration sites to prevent contamination of drinking water sources and monitor the spread of contamination during rainfall-runoff event or as a residue of old environmental loads.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic