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Development of innovative membrane-algae-based treatment system for wastewater reuse in agriculture and water resources protection

Registration number:LUAIZ24027

Realization period:01.07. 2024 – 30.06. 2027

Leader at TUL:doc. Fatma Yalcinkaya, Ph.D. M.Sc.

In a collaborative effort between the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES) and the Technical University of Liberec (TUL), the AGRIAQUA project aims to develop an innovative membrane-based system that removes pathogens from biological wastewater treatment system effluent, facilitating the safe and sustainable reuse of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation. Through the integration of Laguna Innovation's (www.lagunainnovation.com) algae-based biological wastewater treatment with membrane systems, the project aims to meet regulatory requirements for effluent use in irrigation and demonstrate resilience to climate change, ensuring a reliable water source for agriculture and water resources protection. This groundbreaking approach integrates solar-powered algae biofilm-based bioreactors with advanced membrane technology to address the challenge of pathogen removal. In line with EU strategies, e.g., the Zero pollution action plan for a pollution-free environment, the AGRIAQUA project aligns with broader objectives to reduce environmental impacts and enhance food security through innovative water management solutions. Beyond its immediate goals, the project paves the way for interdisciplinary collaborations and diverse applications, promising innovative enhancements across various water treatment products and sectors..

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group