Inovativní metody snižování emisí N2O ze zemědělských ploch
Registration number:SQ01010056
Realization period:01.01. 2025 – 31.12. 2027
Leader at TUL:RNDr. Alena Ševců, Ph.D.
The project aims to develop and test methods to reduce nitrogen oxide (N2O) emissions as an important greenhouse gas. The most significant amount of N2O emissions in the Czech Republic comes from agricultural activities, especially microbial denitrification of nitrogen supplied to the soil in the form of artificial fertilizers or organic material. During the implementation of the project, combinations of biochar and mineral or organic fertilizers and their effect on soil microorganisms and N2O production in the soil will be tested. The aim is to develop a technology for applying biochar to soil-growing substrates, which will have such an effect on soil microflora that it will reduce N2O emissions from agricultural areas.