Antimicrobial plasters based on nanofibers modified by nanoparticles
Registration number:TH03020534
Realization period:01.11. 2017 – 31.10. 2020
Leader at TUL:Ing. Mateusz Fijalkowski, Ph.D.
In the first year of the project we will optimize the parameters of nanofibres preparation in terms of their porosity, mechanical properties as well as synthesize the nanoparticles (ZnO,CuO,Ag eventually Au) using sol gel. In the second year, we plan to optimize the parameters of plasma process (atmospheric and vacuum) and colloidal nanoparticle solutions. The effect of atmosphere, pressure, power, duration time and chemical precursors on the final immobilization of nanoparticles onto the surface of polymeric plasters will be investigated for plasma treatment. In the third year of the project, the functional samples and their microbiological and toxicological tests will be prepared. Utility model will be the main achieved output. Perspective outputs will be prepared for commercialization.