Monitoring, ochrana a náprava zdrojů podzemních vod z hlediska nežádoucí přítomnosti mikropolutantů
Registration number:SQ01020209
Realization period:01.01. 2025 – 31.12. 2027
Leader at TUL:Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.
Micropollutants are a severe problem quickly and intensively occupying the leading public interest positions. Thanks to species diversity and quantitative fluctuation, they are still challenging to affect both from the point of view of monitoring and technological elimination. The solution will cover the interaction of micropollutants and groundwater sources to create a cost-effective system of objective monitoring and technical solutions for a suitable reduction of the given pollutants in the mentioned sources. The goal is to develop key application results, namely a verified technology of a system for monitoring micropollutants in groundwater and a functional sample of a technical solution for eliminating micropollutants from groundwater with subsequent protection of industrial property.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic