The research and development of the new electromagnetic heat meter with extreme low power consumption
Registration number:TK01020102
Realization period:01.07. 2018 – 30.06. 2022
Leader at TUL:prof. Ing. Václav Kopecký, CSc.
The research and development of a new el-mag. heat meter with extreme low power consumption is the main aim of this project. Low power consumption will be guaranteed by using permanent magnets instead of excitation coils. Excellent features of used principle will be kept (no mechanical part in flow profile, great dynamic range and quick reaction on flow rate change). Platine temperature sensors need also low power. The prototype of battery powered el-mag. heat meter with extreme low power consumption will be the result of this project. Product will be prepared for type tests and following production. Complexity of this solution will be done by incomparable wider product use on the heat meter market, new technical know-how (utility model) and installation of interface of the net IoT (LoRa).