Protocol development on highly effective nitrogen removal process from waste and underground water based on denitrification exogenous substrates.
Registration number:TH02030793
Realization period:01.03. 2017 – 31.08. 2020
Leader at TUL:Ing. Tomáš Lederer, Ph.D.
Main goal is to develop a protocol for highly effective N-removal process from various wastewaters and underground water. Protocol will be based on application of denitrification exogenous substrates having optimal composition for total denitrification. Substrates will be chosen according to conditions of specific application, i.e. wastewater composition, process design. Protocol using optimal substrate composition together with technological modifications of denitrification process will enable to reach maximum of denitrification efficiency of N-removal from water, considering process rate, adaptation time minimization as well as specific organic substrate demand. The most appropriate protocol will be chosen based on previously performed investigation of major denitrifying microorganisms.