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Iron Alloy Powder for 3D Printed Topologically Optimized Machine Parts

Registration number:2024-21984, LUE242004

Realization period:01.09. 2025 – 29.02. 2028

Leader at TUL:Ing. Mateusz Fijalkowski, Ph.D.

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative powder material dedicated to 3D printing for the production of mechanically and thermally highly loaded structures, in particular for the production of tools for plastics processing and casting. A set of innovative solutions using machine learning will be used to design an iron alloy with the most advantageous combinations of properties resulting from a properly conducted 3D printing process and heat treatment. The developed powder material will be characterized by susceptibility to the creation of a three-dimensional solid in an additive process in a way that allows obtaining a nanobainitic structure of the product. The key component of the proposed technology is the method of obtaining metal powder through ultrasonic atomization, which allows the creation of a powder of a specific shape and size, but also recycling printed materials. The proposed research ultimately emphasizes the development of solutions in the field of tool design methods and machine and device parts using topological optimization, which allows for a significant reduction in material and mass. It should be emphasized that research using the latest topological optimization methods will enable safe design of complex product geometries exposed to large static and dynamic deformations.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group