3D materials for hydrogen storage
Registration number:TS02030217
Realization period:01.07. 2025 – 31.12. 2028
Leader at TUL:prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Černík, CSc.
In recent years, growing energy consumption has caused an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, with implications that can affect the whole world. One of the reasons is the extensive use of coal and oil for energy production. However, there are alternative ways to produce and store energy while reducing environmental impact, but most of them are still at an early stage of technology. One such alternative is hydrogen, which has many advantages but also some challenges, such as finding a safe and inexpensive storage system. Carbon materials are attractive candidates in this regard because of their ease of production and low cost compared to other storage technologies. The project will focus on developing a 3D printable ink that can be used to produce an innovative 3D material for hydrogen storage. To improve the ability to store hydrogen, the carbon-based material will be modified by introducing nanoparticles and/or heteroatoms on its surface to enhance its hydrogen storage capacity. In addition, the surface of the material will be modified by introducing ripples to improve hydrogen adsorption/desorption.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic