The development of technology for effective suppression of mycolytic foams in activation systems of wastewater treatment
Registration number:TH04030419
Realization period:01.01. 2019 – 31.05. 2022
Leader at TUL:Ing. Tomáš Lederer, Ph.D.
The aim of the project is to develop a new method of elimination of mycolytic foams in activation systems for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), introduce it into production and operationally verify it. The basic element is the creation of a complex technology for WWTPs, to reduce or completely eliminate foam. This proven technology will be commercialized by the project applicant and its partners. Objectives will be achieved during the project at one or more WWTPs selected during the monitoring phase of the project. This will result in a reference contract during the project as a necessary basis for the subsequent rapid commercialization of the developed technology for application at other WWTPs.