Modularita zemědělských strojů s podporou pokročilých výrobních technologií
Registration number:FV40207
Realization period:01.08. 2019 – 31.12. 2022
Leader at TUL:doc. Ing. Michal Petrů, Ph.D.
The aim of the project is to innovate the modularity of the agricultural machine using a complex system for simulation and verification of machine design solutions using chisel and disk arrangement of soil processing tools. The system will optimize and innovate the existing design settings so that the weight of the machine's construction is minimized when calculating the material options of the solution. The reduction in weight of the structure will allow and significantly improve the use of larger-scale machines and thus larger areas in one pass, while reducing the proportion of soil compaction, reducing water absorption, and reducing the overall energy demands of soil treatment. Verification and testing will be performed on a machine fitted from individual structural arrangement modules.
The objectives of the project are consistent with national RIS3 strategy, KET's and National priorities of oriented research.