CAMEB - Udržitelné stavebnictví 4.0
Registration number:TN02000005
Realization period:01.01. 2023 – 31.12. 2028
Leader at TUL:Ing. Jan Kočí
The aim is to accelerate the transformation of the Czech construction industry into a progressive sector by Industry 4.0/5.0 tools, achieving carbon neutrality and increasing raw material and energy independence while improving the environment in buildings and cities.
Specific objectives:
* To support the reduction of energy and material dependence of the building sector by Industry 4.0/5.0 tools.
* Accelerate the technology transfer, develop new carbon efficient products, and introduce them to the market
* Increase the competitiveness and added value of companies through the high innovation potential of cooperation with universities
* Involve partners in follow-up international and national projects
* Improve the research and technical competences and intellectual property protect