Koncept spolupráce autonomních vozidel v průmyslovém prostředí s využitím principů V2V a V2I
Registration number:CK03000143
Realization period:01.01. 2022 – 31.12. 2024
Leader at TUL:Ing. Jindřich Cýrus, Ph.D.
Design and technically implement the cooperation of autonomous vehicles/chassis platforms in the industrial environment - so-called cooperation in the flock.
Create a functional sample that realistically demonstrates the cooperation of at least two autonomous vehicles.
Implement a draft standard that allows for the smooth integration of other autonomous entities into the ecosystem of their flock (swarms, teams).
Follow up on the already addressed Modular Platform for Autonomous Chassis of Specialised Electric Vehicles for Freight and Equipment Transport - ANTE project (MŠMT: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007293) to promote individual autonomy into platform/vehicle collaboration with each other.