Development of advanced technology based on membrane distillation for effective elimination of heavy metals from wastewater
Registration number:SS03010345
Realization period:01.01. 2021 – 31.12. 2023
Leader at TUL:Ing. Mgr. Lukáš Dvořák, Ph.D.
The aim of project is to develop a pilot plant technology for effective elimination of heavy metals from treated wastewater. Technology will be based on membrane distillation, which will be preceded by suitable pre-treatment step as coagulation and separation on micro-sieves or sand filters or through pressure membrane processes (ultrafiltration). Due to its energy efficiency, the developed technology will enable efficient tertiary treatment of wastewater and elimination of heavy metals before their discharge into the recipient, which reduces burden of aquatic ecosystems with pollutants. The pilot plant technology will be verified and optimized for a long time at a real location, the prerequisite is a municipal WWTP with increased concentrations of heavy metals.