Multistage modular system for greywater recycling in industrial and commercial areas
Registration number:SS01020339
Realization period:01.06. 2020 – 31.05. 2023
The aim is to develop a technical system with autonomous and IoT elements for decentralized gray water recycling and its reuse in industrial (small, medium and large enterprises), commercial and institutional (schools, offices, etc.) areas where the recycling process is not adequately utilized ČR. The system will consist of pre-treatment of water to ensure the removal of solid contaminants, a retention tank, where the water will be kept for the required time and monitored for quality and a part that will treat the water (disinfect and sterilize). Primarily, the detergent will not be degraded, but the system will be ready to incorporate such a sub-system. The system will have a modular architecture that allows it to be multiplied and interconnected, as well as a simple connection.
This project is funded with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic