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What is the Scientific Council of CXI TUL

29. 8. 2023

In the next part of our HR series, we will focus on the so-called scientific council. Do you know what its role is at CXI and how many members it has? Read more.

A science council is based at a college, university or research institute. It is generally tasked with providing expert advice and recommendations on scientific and academic matters. The Scientific Council at CXI promotes quality research, scholarship and other professional activities.

The Scientific Council can play a key role in strategic planning, setting research directions and priorities, evaluating the quality of publications and research projects, providing suggestions for improvement, and many other aspects related to academia.

The members of the Scientific Council are usually renowned and experienced experts in various fields. The Scientific Council of CXI TUL has a total of 13 members:

Assoc. RNDr. Miroslav Brzezina, CSc.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Prof. Miroslav Černík, CSc.
Prof. Miroslav Brzezinski, Prof. Ing. Vojtěch Dynybyl, Ph.D.
Ing. Marcel Gómez, Ph.D.
Prof. Ing. Václav Kopecký, CSc.
Ing. Petr Košvanec
Assoc. Ing. Miroslav Malý, CSc.
prof. Ing. Lucie Obalová, Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Michal Petrů, Ph.D.
Doc. RNDr. Jana Říhová Ambrožová, Ph.D.
Prof. Ing. Eva Schmidová, Ph.D.
Ing. Radek Trtílek
Assoc. Ing. Petr Tůma, CSc.

You can read more about each of the members here:

In general: the Scientific Council of CXI TUL aims to promote academic and scientific excellence at the Institute and to contribute to higher quality research and science.

The Scientific Council meets as needed, usually twice a year, at the convening and under the direction of the Director of CXI. Meetings are governed by rules of procedure and are closed to the public, but may be partially or fully open by decision of the Board. The Scientific Council shall have the capacity to act if a majority of its members are present. Voting by the Scientific Council shall be open to the public, but members may vote by secret ballot in certain cases. The approval of a majority of all members present shall be required for the adoption of motions and valid resolutions. Per rollam voting is also described, which allows voting outside the meeting in special situations.

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