+420 485 353 852|



Inspections of sterilizers and autoclaves


Inspections of sterilizers and autoclaves

We provide control of the effectiveness of sterilization technology to all medical facilities and also where working instruments are sterilized (pedicure establishments, tattoo studios, etc.)

We work in accordance with the applicable legislation, all services comply with the requirements of Decree No. 306/2012 Coll., Decree on the conditions for preventing the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and on the hygiene requirements for the operation of health care facilities and social care institutions, as amended. In addition, according to Act No. 258/2000 Coll. on the protection of public health, as amended, and the Methodological Guide to the performance of checks on the effectiveness of sterilization devices AHEM 1/2014.

Our accredited laboratory offers the following services in the field of sterilization equipment efficiency control:

  • checking the effectiveness of sterilization devices using both biological systems (bioindicators) and non-biological systems (Bowie-Dick/Helix tests, chemical tests, physical parameters)
  • cultivation of bioindicators in the control of sterilisation device efficiency
  • consultancy, evaluation in relation to legislation



Institute for nanomaterials, advanced technologies and innovations TUL
Analytical laboratory CXI TUL
Bendlova 1409/7, 460 01 Liberec

Jitka Landová
Phone: 734 518 420
Email: jitka.landova@tul.cz

VAT: 467 478 85

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group