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10 years of successful science at Bendlova 7

12. 10. 2022

A decade ago, Czech science was basically limited to universities and traditional research institutes. New centres for research were in their infancy, the first real ones were only just emerging, and there was no major support for development for companies and their innovations. However, this changed twelve years ago when the operational programme R&D&I was launched and funded today's centres. One of the centres supported in this way was today's Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation at TUL.

The TUL Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations is celebrating 10 years as an institute and also its 10th anniversary in its two-tower building in Bendlova Street. When the institute started in 2010, it had two research programmes and several staff members. The institute moved into Building L in the summer of 2012. Today, CXI focuses on three research areas and about 200 staff members as well as university students are involved in basic and applied research. Research teams tackle around 80 research projects each year.


We have also prepared a special "birthday" microsite to mark CXI's 10th anniversary. Check it out: https://cxi.tul.cz/10/


CXI is the largest science and research centre in the Liberec Region. It is part of the university and offers cooperation to established companies and start-ups. We are involved in about 100 research projects (national and international) and dozens of contracts with industrial partners every year. Professional collaboration with our departments helps companies to new opportunities to develop their products and services. Some of CXI's biggest partners include Skoda Auto, Preciosa, Bosch, Magna and the Nanoprogress Cluster. The institute has an annual turnover of a quarter of a billion crowns and has nearly 70 patents in its 10 years of existence.
Dignitaries from the university and cooperating companies came to wish CXI a happy birthday. Check it out in the photo gallery.

K narozeninám CXI přišly popřát osobnosti z univerzity i spolupracujících firem. Podívejte se na to ve fotogalerii.


The main birthday speaker was of course the director of CXI TUL Miroslav Černík. "We started small, as a supported project, but now we are a stable research centre, one of the most successful in the Czech Republic with more than 200 partners from companies and research organisations from the Czech Republic, Europe and Asia." He said in his keynote speech.

According to the CXI director, what are the challenges for the CXI team in the next decade?

● Not to reduce the radius of the human chain of employees

● Maintain a young team that will only slowly age

● To colour the world map more

● Catching up with Michael Grätzel and Elon Musk

Clear up the mystery of 2015's breakthrough year


Every birthday comes with a cake.
Watch the video - click on the image.


For the anniversary, CXI has gifted its anthem.

The music was composed by Matěj Halíř, lyrics and production was done by Karel Havlíček.
The anthem is bilingual and these are the first words:

For us, science is part of life
There are many ideas, if there is a will for it
CXI has big goals
We break taboos in the field for the knowledgeable...

And how does the anthem performed by Jana Štěpánová sound?

Listen to the full CXI anthem HERE.


All the best for the next ten!

Co má aktuálně CXI před sebou? Nové projekty a výzkumné úkoly, větší spolupráci se zahraničím. Ve schvalovacím procesu je aktuálně žádost projektu IDm² v programu Horizon Europe. IDm² vzniká ve spolupráci s Frauenhoferskou společností z Německa a zaměřuje se na vytvoření nových typů ekologických hybridních materiálů, jejichž vlastnosti jsou závislé nebo řízené jejich strukturou. Více zde: https://cxi.tul.cz/idm2/


Birthday in the media

Our CXI's birthday was also noticed by the media. What did journalists write and film about us? Take a look at the individual links.

Interview with Míra Černík in FORBES ČESKO:
Čistší voda díky nanotechnologiím. Z Liberce míří do světa unikátní vynálezy

Report in the EXPERIMENT programme on ČRo 1 - Radiožurnál.

 Report in independent media Vědavýzkum.cz: CXI TUL celebrates ten years in "its building".

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group