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ANTeTUL is one of the finalists of REGIOSTARS 2023

19. 7. 2023

The REGIOSTARS jury carefully evaluated a record number of applications. A total of 228 projects were submitted for this year's edition - and the jury selected 30 finalists. ANTeTUL was a finalist in the A connected Europe category. To become a winner, a project must receive a sufficient number of votes in a public vote on the competition's online platform:

The online voting for the Public Prize will open on 14 September and close on 14 November. People wishing to vote will be able to vote once per email address and will be able to give up to 3 preferences to 3 different projects.

New this year, the finalists will compete in the final round, which will take place in Brussels during the EURegionsWeek event on 11 October 2023. Here, the representatives will present their "project pitch" on stage in English, Pecha Kucha style, in front of the audience and the judges. At the end of the pitch, the audience in the hall can vote and their votes will be reflected in the online public vote for the People's Choice Award.

On the same day, in addition to pitching their projects, the contestants will be interviewed by the REGIOSTARS jury. Based on this, the judges will select the winners of each category and they will be announced at the REGIOSTARS ceremony on 16 November in Ostrava.

We would like to congratulate Michal Petru's team and keep our fingers crossed for a successful final.

#regiostars #EUinmyregion

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