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Professor Gelinsky lectured on innovation in biomedicine at CXI

6. 11. 2023

The inspiring lecture by Professor Michael Gelinski on the topic "Manufacturing of biomedical scaffolds using textile technologies and additive processing" attracted the attention of experts and those interested in advanced technologies not only in the field of biomedical engineering. The event took place on Friday, November 3 at the Technical University of Liberec in the CXI building.

Professor Gelinski is Director of the Centre for Translational Research on Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital and the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden. In his lecture, he introduced the audience to innovative scaffold fabrication techniques that have the potential to change the way biomedical structures are created for various applications.

Although this was a specific topic, the audience learned about the new possibilities that these technologies offer for multidisciplinary applications. Professor Gelinski presented his team's results and highlighted the potential benefits for the fields of medicine and biomedical research. The presentation was followed by a discussion and attendees had the opportunity to ask Professor Gelinski additional questions.

This lecture provided new research findings with practical applications in tissue engineering and biomedical applications that have the potential to determine innovations in the future of medicine and medicine.

For an overview of Prof. Michael Gelinski's scientific articles, see HERE.


Portrait of prof. Gelinsky

Michael Gelinsky received his PhD in Chemistry from Freiburg University (Germany). In 1999 he moved to Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) and worked for around 10 years at the Department of Materials Science, heading his own group at the newly founded Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials from 2002. In 2010 he was appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and head of the Centre for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research (tu-dresden.de/med/tfo) at TU Dresden. His work is focused on biomaterials and scaffold development, tissue engineering and regenerative therapies, mostly for musculoskeletal tissues.
His group is also very active in the field of additive manufacturing of implants and biofabrication technologies, including bioprinting of non-mammalian cells ("green bioprinting"). He is author/co-author of more than 250 journal publications and 25 book chapters with a current h-index of 61 (Google scholar). At present, Michael Gelinsky is President of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM), is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF) and has been appointed as coordinator of a so-called Topical Team on “3D Bioprinting of living tissue for utilisation in space exploration and extraterrestrial human settlements” by the European Space Agency, ESA. In 2020 he was elected as ‘Fellow Biomaterials Science and Engineering’ (FBSE) by the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering.
Detailed information about the lab is available at https://tu-dresden.de/med/tfo

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group