Project Department of environmental technology
- Development and testing of a new generation sorption system for the elimination of hormonal disruptors from water detail
- Development of accredited methodologies for water quality assessment by molecular-genetic methods detail
- Vývoj aktivní nanomateriálové membrány pro eliminaci sulfanu z vína detail
- Development of electro-post-denitrification system for complete reduction of nitrate detail
- Development of functionalized nanofibrous membrane for membrane distillation process detail
- Vývoj hybridního skrápěného bioreaktoru detail
- Vývoj hybridního skrápěného bioreaktoru detail
- Development of innovative hybrid technology for recycling wastewater from steel and metal pickling processes detail
- Vývoj mobilní energeticky nezávislé jednotky membránové destilace využívající energie z obnovitelných zdrojů detail
- Development of mobile energy-independent unit of membrane distillation using energy from renewable sources detail
- Development of a mobile energy-independent unit of a drinking water treatment plant for emergency use in crisis situations detail
- Vývoj mobilní jednotky a nových čistících protokolů pro regeneraci filtračních membrán využívaných při čištění odpadních vod detail
- Development of mobile modular technology for removal of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and hormonal substances for raw water treatment detail
- Development of mobile drinking water packaging technology with an advanced control system detail
- Development of mobile drinking water packaging technology with an advanced control system detail
- Development of a mobile base for fireworks launching with experimental capture explosive burning residues detail
- Development of nanofibrous membrane and innovative cleaning protocols for food applications detail
- Vývoj nezávislé nízkoenergetické mobilní úpravny vody detail
- Vývoj nezávislé nízkoenergetické mobilní úpravny vody detail
- The development of advanced treatment technology for highly mineralized water based on membrane distillation detail