Project Department of environmental technology
- STIMUL20 - Selection pressure and nanomaterials as effective tools for stimulation of biotechnology systems. detail
- Sustainability of Critical Water Resources through Advanced Wastewater Treatment as part of the Green Deal Strategy detail
- System for monitoring of vertical stratification of f-ch. parameters in HG objects, digitization of objects and advanced SW processing of measured data detail
- Technological innovation of the developed filter element to increase market potential detail
- Technologie bioremediace a pokročilého monitoringu půdy zasažené průmyslovou zemědělskou činností pro návrat do režimu trvalé udržitelnosti detail
- Technology of microorganism-free surfaces of nanotechnological materials for biotechnology applications detail
- Technology for the elimination of disinfection by-products enabling recycling of washing waters from sand filters in swimming pools detail
- Technology for the preparation of structurally advanced nanofibrous composites for filtration and cosmetic applications detail
- Technology for remote monitoring and control of electrokinetically enhanced chemical-biological in situ remediation - EBioChem detail
- Heat-resistant filter and separation fabric made of felt wool. detail
- Testování dvou typů filtrů pro použití v zařízeních na výdej vody - Inovační voucher MPO detail
- High efficient antimicrobial filters for bus air condition and ventilation. detail
- High efficient antimicrobial filters for bus air condition and ventilation. detail
- Účinné antimikrobiální filtry pro ventilaci a klimatizaci kolejových vozidel detail
- Účinné antimikrobiální filtry pro ventilaci a klimatizaci kolejových vozidel detail
- High efficient antimicrobial filters for rail vehicles air condition and ventilation. detail
- High efficient antimicrobial filters for rail vehicles air condition and ventilation. detail
- Total Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from wastewater using tailor-made textile biomass carriers detail
- Use of solar energy and its accumulation in the form of pressurized technological gas detail