Project Department of environmental technology
- Optimalizace procesu denitrifikace a post-denitrifikace z hlediska eliminace tvorby dusitanů a oxidů dusíku detail
- Optimalizace procesu in-situ regenerace CNT adsorbentu a ověření vlivu opakované regenerace na záchyt vybraných faramceutických látek při kvartérním čištění odpadních vod detail
- Optimization of the air ventilation process detail
- Optimalizace provozních parametrů městských čistíren odpadních vod s cílem intenzifikace odstraňování mikropolutantů v kvarterním stupni detail
- Backup and island systems with efficient production and storage of electrical energy detail
- Pilot production line for realization of bacteriocidal and virucidal filters detail
- Pokročilá hybridní a plně mobilní technologie čištění pro pohotovostní ochranu vod detail
- Advanced real-time controlling and monitoring of remediation technologies (RealControl) detail
- Surface engineered nanofiber scaffolds for enhanced biofilm formation in microbial fuel cells detail
- Preparation of microfluidic chips using advanced 3D printing for rapid detection of pathogenic organisms in water detail
- Realization of a spray nebulizer dryer prototxpr for specific types of industrial applications detail
- Recycling of Nickle based super alloy (INCONEL® 625, 718) scraps for parts production using Additive Manufacturing detail
- Recycling of waste galvanic solution detail
- Nanofiber membranes for car wash water recyclation. detail
- Nanofiber membranes for car wash water recyclation. detail
- Regeneration of wells - new targeted regeneration processes, regeneration and monitoring systems, and preventive diagnosis of the state of wells detail
- RESearCh network towards an understanding and mitigation of diffuse Urban POLLution detail
- Mitigation of eutrophication with an impact on the biodiversity of importantwater bodies in the Liberec Region detail
- Pilot verification of technologies for the removal of pharmaceutical substances from WWTPs detail