Project Department of environmental technology
- Modification of Nanofibrous Membranes to Enhance Antibiofouling Capability in Wastewater Treatment Process detail
- Modification of the compact filtration cartridge for the removal of specific pollutants from drinking water detail
- Modification of the compact filtration cartridge for the removal of specific pollutants from drinking water detail
- Modification of nanofibrous membranes combined with energy recovery to enhance anti-biofouling capability in wastewater treatment process detail
- A modular platform for complete wastewater treatment detail
- Monitoring and potential reduction options of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants. detail
- Monitoring and Mineralization of microplastics across sustainable drainage systems detail
- Monitoring, ochrana a náprava zdrojů podzemních vod z hlediska nežádoucí přítomnosti mikropolutantů detail
- Monitoring, ochrana a náprava zdrojů podzemních vod z hlediska nežádoucí přítomnosti mikropolutantů detail
- MPO OP PIK ART Carbon detail
- NanoMOF: Kovově-organické rámce v nanorozměrech a jejich aplikace při čištění odpadních vod detail
- Nanofiber filters with encapsulated bacteriophages for air purification in mobile crisis infrastructure detail
- Nanofiber materials for advanced microbial monitoring and optimization of drinking water treatment processes detail
- New chiral composite magnetic membranes combined with rotational and magnetic levitation forces for racemic mixture separation detail
- New chiral composite magnetic membranes combined with rotational and magnetic levitation forces for racemic mixture separation detail
- New chiral composite magnetic membranes combined with rotational and magnetic levitation forces for racemic mixture separation detail
- Nové možnosti zvýšení efektivity provozu membránových systémů: recyklace retentátu z reverzně-osmotických jednotek a inovativní způsoby zpětného proplachu membrán detail
- Protective textiles against CBRN substances based on nanofibrous structures with incorporated sorption materials detail
- Optimization and long-term verification of membrane drinking water treatment plant mobil unit for emergency deployment detail
- Optimalizace hybridního procesu koagulace-membránová mikrofiltrace s ohledem na zanášení membrán aplikovaných pro úpravu povrchových vod detail