+420 485 353 852|



Project Department of environmental technology

  • Inovativní sorpční technologie pro eliminaci PFAS z kontaminovaných vod využívající modifikovaných uhlíkových nanotrubic detail
  • Innovative methods of treatment and recycling backwash water from membrane filters applied in drinking water treatment detail
  • Innovative ways of energy-performance optimization of membrane bioreactors detail
  • Integrované vzorkovače pro čistírny odpadních vod a úpravny vod detail
  • Integrated samplers for water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants detail
  • Inteligentní terciární čištění odpadních vod s kombinovanou eliminací fosforu a endokrinních disruptorů využívající nanobiotechnologie detail
  • Compact filtration cartridge for application in the systems of water filtration and beverage and food preparation detail
  • Composite adsorbent based on carbon nanotubes for large-capacity drinking water treatment detail
  • LUCA IN vouch detail
  • Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change detail
  • Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change – SR detail
  • Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change detail
  • Managing the threat from PMT to the environment: in search of the Green Deal detail
  • Food Industry Waste Water Treatment Using Membrane Filtration detail
  • Microbial Electrochemical Technology Commercialisation detail
  • Mobilní a energeticky nezávislá membránová destilace pro závlahy na Blízkém východě detail
  • Mobile high-pressure injection technology for decontamination of rocks and groundwater without the need for drilling detail
  • Modification of Nanofibrous Membranes to Enhance Antibiofouling Capability in Wastewater Treatment Process  detail
  • Modification of the compact filtration cartridge for the removal of specific pollutants from drinking water detail
  • Modification of the compact filtration cartridge for the removal of specific pollutants from drinking water detail

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group