Project Department of environmental technology
- Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation for Contaminated Land Remediation detail
- Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation for Contaminated Land Remediation detail
- Encapsulation of bacteriophages into nanostructures and their use in the production of special filters with antibacterial protection detail
- Environmentally friendly extinguishing agent and sorbent preparations with a microbial component for ecological liquidation of traffic accidents detail
- Harnessing the power of bacterial communities for water remediation detail
- Highly-effective Aquatic Pollutants Removal Technologies based on Nanofilters, Advanced Oxidation Processes and New Sorbents detail
- Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions - FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology detail
- Hospodaření s vodními zdroji v návštěvnických areálech - technologie recirkulace vody FIT4USE - MŽP detail
- Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions - FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology detail
- MBR-MBBR hybrid system using nanomaterials for wastewater post-treatment detail
- MBR-MBBR hybrid system using nanomaterials for wastewater post-treatment detail
- Innovation of flotation through implementation of nanobubbles and optimization of flotation process for water management applications detail
- Innovating with nature for sustainable water management in the global south detail
- Innovation ecosystems for climate change adaptation in urban environments detail
- Inovační voucher - Dvořák detail
- Inovativní 3D struktura nosiče biomasy s nanovlákennou a biologickou složkou pro biotechnologické aplikace v oblasti čištění vod | bioD3CA detail
- Inovativní filtrační nanomateriál pro purifikaci bakteriofágových lyzátů detail
- Inovativní mechanické a akustické metody regenerace vrtů vedoucí k optimalizaci a automatizaci procesu detail
- Innovative mechanical and acoustic methods of well regeneration: automation and optimization of process detail
- Innovative methods of exploration and remediation of vertically stratified inorganic groundwater contamination – AnReMon detail