Staff Directory
- ŘEZANKA, P., ŘEZANKA, M., KYSELOVÁ, L. , and ŘEZANKA, T. Characterization of Archaea membrane lipids in radioactive springs using shotgun lipidomics FOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA DORDRECHT: Springer Nature, 2025, vol. 70, issue February. P. 225 – 233. ISSN: 0015-5632.
- HOBBS, C., NOVOTNÝ, V. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Chromatography-free synthesis of 2A,2B-disulfonated β-cyclodextrin for regiospecific di-substitution Carbohydrate Polymers London: Elsevier, 2025, vol. 348, issue January. P. neuvedeny (5 stran). ISSN: 0144-8617.
- AHMED, M. M. M., NOWACKA, D., SKWIERAWSKA, A. M. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Cyclodextrins functionalized polyvinylidene fluoride membranes: Strategies and diverse applications Tetrahedron KIDLINGTON: Elsevier BV, 2025, vol. 170, issue January. P. neuvedeny (18 stran). ISSN: 0040-4020.
- MORÁVKOVÁ, K., HAUZEROVÁ, ?. Á., ŘEZANKA, M. , and RYSOVÁ, M. Initial screening of vaginal environment response to PCL/PLA blend nanofibers Biotechnology and Bioengineering Wiley, 2025 P. neuvedeny (15 stran). ISSN: 0006-3592.
- KONOPÁČOVÁ, P., ŘEZANKA, M. , and HOBBS, C. Cyclodextrin polymers as sorbents for the removal of perfluorinated compounds from water, 2024
- NAVRÁTILOVÁ, T. et al. Preparation and characterization of solvatochromic organosilane-functionalized silica nanofibers as novel responsive materials Dyes and Pigments London: Elsevier SCI Ltd, 2024, vol. 225, issue June. P. neuvedeny (6 stran). ISSN: 0143-7208.
- TETOUR, D. et al. Preparations of spherical nanoparticles of chiral Cinchona alkaloid-based bridged silsesquioxanes and their use in heterogeneous catalysis of enantioselective reactions Nanoscale Londýn: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024, vol. 16, issue 13. P. 6696 – 6707. ISSN: 2040-3364.
- MORÁVKOVÁ, K., HAUZEROVÁ, ?. Á., ŘEZANKA, M. , and RYSOVÁ, M. The effect of molecular weight of polycaprolactone in blend nanofibers on the vaginal microbiome response NANOCON Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Nanomaterials (ISBN 978-80-88365-24-2) Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2024 P. neuvedeny (2 stranky). ISBN: 978-80-88365-24-2, ISSN: 2694-930X.
- MORÁVKOVÁ, K. et al. Vliv PLA nanovlákenného systému na simulované vaginální prostředí Biomateriály a jejich povrch XVII. (ISBN 978-80-01-07334-6) Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2024 P. 33 – 34. ISBN: 978-80-01-07334-6.
- WACLAWEK, S. W. et al. Cyclodextrin-based strategies for removal of persistent organic pollutants Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier, 2022, vol. 310, issue December. P. neuvedeny (18 stran). ISSN: 0001-8686.
- KRAWCZYK, K. et al. Enhanced degradation of sulfamethoxazole by a modified nano zero-valent iron with a β-cyclodextrin polymer: Mechanism and toxicity evaluation Science of the Total Environment Elsevier BV, 2022, vol. 817, issue April. P. 152888. ISSN: 0048-9697.
- KRABICOVÁ, I., DOLENSKÝ, B. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Selectivity of 1-O-Propargyl-D-Mannose Preparations Molecules MDPI AG, 2022, vol. 27, issue 5. P. 1483. ISSN: 1420-3049.
- TETOUR, D. et al. Cinchonine-based organosilica materials as heterogeneous catalysts of enantioselective alkene dihydroxylation Journal of Catalysis Elsevier Inc., 2021, vol. 404, issue 12. P. 493 – 500. ISSN: 0021-9517.
- AHMED, M. M. M. et al. Corrigendum to “Revisiting the polyvinylidene fluoride heterogeneous alkaline reaction mechanism in propan-2-ol: An additional hydrogenation step” [Eur. Polym. J. 156 (2021) 110605] European Polymer Journal OXFORD: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 159, issue OCT 5.pp. ISSN: 0014-3057.
- HAVLÍČKOVÁ, K. et al. Degradation of polycaprolactone electrospun materials - methods of analysis NANOCON 2019 - Conference Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Nanomaterials Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2021 P. 246 – 251. ISBN: 978-80-88365-00-6, ISSN: 2694-930X.
- NECHANICKÁ, M., HAVLÍČEK, K. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Development of conductive nanomaterials for biotechnology applications World Nanotechnology Conference, 2021pp.
- MÁKOVÁ, V. et al. Hybrid organosilane fibrous materials and their contribution to modern science Polymer 1. ed. Kidlington: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 228, issue July. P. neuvedeny (19 stran). ISSN: 0032-3861.
- AHMED, M. M. M. et al. Revisiting the polyvinylidene fluoride heterogeneous alkaline reaction mechanism in propan-2-ol: An additional hydrogenation step European Polymer Journal 1. ed., 2021, vol. 156, issue August. P. neuvedeny (6 stran). ISSN: 0014-3057.
- GONČUKOVÁ, Z. R., ŘEZANKA, M., DOLINA, J. , and DVOŘÁK, L. Sulfonated polyethersulfone membrane doped with ZnO-APTES nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties Reactive and Functional Polymers 1. ed. ELSEVIER, 2021, vol. 162, issue MAY. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 1381-5148.
- KRAWCZYK, K. et al. Surface modification of zero-valent iron nanoparticles with β-cyclodextrin for 4-nitrophenol conversion Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1. ed. Elsevier, 2021, vol. 586, issue March. P. 655 – 662. ISSN: 0021-9797.
- MÁKOVÁ, V. et al. (1S,2S)-Cyclohexane-1,2-diamine-based Organosilane Fibres as a Powerful Tool Against Pathogenic Bacteria Polymers 1. ed. MDPI AG, 2020, vol. 12, issue 1. P. neuvedeny (12 stran). ISSN: 2073-4360.
- HOBBS, C., ŘEZANKA, P. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Cyclodextrin-Functionalised Nanomaterials for Enantiomeric Recognition ChemPlusChem 1. ed. Wiley, 2020, vol. 85, issue 5. P. 876 – 888. ISSN: 2192-6506.
- STRNADOVÁ, K. et al. Drawn aligned polymer microfibres for tissue engineering Journal of Industrial Textiles 1. ed. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2020, vol. 50, issue 3. P. 263 – 277. ISSN: 1528-0837.
- ŘEZANKA, T., ŘEZANKA, M., MEZRICKY, D. , and VÍTOVÁ, M. Lipidomic analysis of diatoms cultivated with silica nanoparticles Phytochemistry 1. ed. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2020, vol. 177, issue SEP. P. neuvedeny (8 stran). ISSN: 0031-9422.
- SHISHKANOVA, T. et al. Molecular Recognition of Phenylalanine Enantiomers onto a Solid Surface Modified with Electropolymerized Pyrrole-β-Cyclodextrin Conjugate Electroanalysis 1. ed. Weinhein: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2020, vol. 32, issue 4. P. 767 – 774. ISSN: 1040-0397.
- NIKENDEY HOLUBOVÁ, B. et al. Novel chapter in hybrid materials: One-pot synthesis of purely organosilane fibers Polymer 1. ed. Elsevier BV, 2020, vol. 190, issue March. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 0032-3861.
- KRAWCZYK, K. et al. Synergistic Effect of Nano Zero-valent Iron And Cyclodextrins: a Nano-structure for Water Purification NANOCON Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Nanomaterials 1. ed. TANGER Ltd., 2020 P. 279 – 286. ISBN: 978-80-87294-95-6, ISSN: 2694-930X.
- LUKÁŠEK, J. et al. Cyclodextrin-polypyrrole coatings of scaffolds for tissue engineering Polymers 1. ed., 2019, vol. 11, issue 3. P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISSN: 2073-4360.
- ŘEZANKA, M. Synthesis of substituted cyclodextrins Environmental Chemistry Letters 1. ed. Springer Nature, 2019, vol. 17, issue 1. P. 49 – 63. ISSN: 1610-3653.
- SWAR, S. et al. Effective poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether grafting technique onto Nylon 6 surface to achieve resistance against pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal of Materials Science 1. ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2018, vol. 53, issue 20. P. 14104 – 14120. ISSN: 0022-2461.
- ŘEZANKA, M. Synthesis of Cyclodextrin Derivatives Cyclodextrin Fundamentals, Reactivity and Analysis Springer International Publishing, 2018 P. 57 – 103. ISBN: 978-3-319-76158-9, ISSN: 2213-7114.
- LUKÁŠEK, J., ŘEZANKOVÁ, M., STIBOR, I. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Synthesis of cyclodextrin-pyrrole conjugates possessing tuneable carbon linkers Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2018, vol. 92, issue 3-4. P. 339 – 346. ISSN: 1388-3127.
- STRNADOVÁ, K. et al. Aligned Drawn Fibers Improve the Axon Infiltration into the Spinal Cord Bridges, 2017
- MARTINEK, M. et al. Pre-treatment of polyethylene terephthalate by Grignard reagents for high quality polypyrrole coatings and for altering the hydrophobicity Chemical Papers 1. ed. Springer Nature, 2017, vol. 71, issue 12. P. 2403 – 2415. ISSN: 0366-6352.
- ŘEZANKA, M. et al. Enantiomeric recognition of amino acid ester salts by beta-cyclodextrin derivatives: an experimental and computational study Arkivoc, 2016, vol. 2016, issue 5. P. 249 – 267. ISSN: 1551-7012.
- STRNADOVÁ, K. et al. Functionalization and biocompatibility evaluation of drawn fibers for neural tissue implants Fiber Society 2016 Spring Conference: Textile Innovations - Opportunities and Challenges Fiber Society, 2016 P. 126 – 127. ISBN: 978-2-9556560-0-6.
- ŘEZANKA, M. et al. Functionalized aligned conductive microfibers for application in tissue engineering, 2016
- ŘEZANKA, P. et al. Influence of substituent position and cavity size of the regioisomers of monocarboxymethyl-alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrins on the apparent stability constants of their complexes with both enantiomers of Troger's base Journal of Separation Science 1. ed. Weinheim: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2016, vol. 39, issue 5. P. 980 – 985. ISSN: 1615-9306.
- ŘEZANKA, M. Monosubstituted Cyclodextrins as Precursors for Further Use European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, vol. 2016, issue 32. P. 5322 – 5334. ISSN: 1434-193X.
- STRNADOVÁ, K. et al. Příprava orientovaných scaffoldů pro tkáňové inženýrství metodou drawing VIII. mezinárodní konference Bioimplantologie 2016 Brno: , 2016 P. 38 – 39. ISBN: 978-80-7392-251-1.
- ŘEZANKA, T., ŘEZANKA, M. , and SIEGLER, K. Regioisomeric Analysis of Triacylglycerols Encyclopedia of Lipidomics 1. ed. Nizozemsko: Springer, 2016 P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISBN: 978-94-007-7864-1.
- ŘEZANKA, M. et al. The complexation of anions by chloro- and cyanoacetanilides; IR, 1H-NMR and computation study Supramolecular Chemistry 1. ed. Taylor & Francis Informa, 2016, vol. 28, issue 3-4. P. 249 – 255. ISSN: 1061-0278.
- ŘEZANKA, T. et al. The effect of lanthanides on photosynthesis, growth, and chlorophyll profile of the green alga Desmodesmus quadricauda Photosynthesis Research, 2016, vol. 130, issue 1. P. 335 – 346. ISSN: 1573-5079.
- ŘEZANKA, M., PETRŽÍLKOVÁ, M. , and STIBOR, I. Alkyl Chain Modified Gold Nanoparticles for Catalysis Nanocon 2015: 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application, 2015 P. 373 – 376. ISBN: 978-80-87294-63-5.
- ŘEZANKA, M., LANGTON, M. J. , and BEER, P. D. Anion recognition in water by a rotaxane containing a secondary rim functionalised cyclodextrin stoppered axle Chemical Communications 1. ed. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, vol. 51, issue 21. P. 4499 – 4502. ISSN: 1359-7345.!divAbstract
- LUKÁŠEK, J. et al. New Aligned Microfibers for Tissue Engineering Nanocon 2015: 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2015 P. 399 – 403. ISBN: 978-80-87294-63-5.
- STIBOR, I., ŘEZANKA, M. , and MARTINEK, M. Způsob vytvoření elektricky vodivé vrstvy na bázi polypyrrolu na povrchu polykaprolaktonových nanovláken [patent] Granted at 20151209 as No. 305648.
- ŘEZANKA, M. et al. Application of Cyclodextrins in Chiral Capillary Electrophoresis Electrophoresis 1. ed. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, vol. 35, issue 19. P. 2701 – 2721. ISSN: 0173-0835.
- ŘEZANKA, M. et al. The Influence of the Substituent Position in Monocarboxymethyl-gamma-cyclodextrins on Enantioselectivity in Capillary Electrophoresis Journal of Separation Science 1. ed. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, vol. 37, issue 19. P. 2779 – 2784. ISSN: 1615-9306.