+420 485 353 852|



Device Department of environmental technology

Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval

Mgr. Milena Johnová

T +420 48535 3668

E milena.johnova@tul.cz

Filtration unit with flat membrane module, cross flow mode

AMFiT 22 (Antimicrobial Filter Tester)

AMFiT 22 (Antimicrobial Filter Tester)

Ing. Jakub Hrůza, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 7348

E jakub.hruza@tul.cz

Testing the bacterial filtration efficiency of air filters

Biological reactors (various volumes)

Biological reactors (various volumes)

Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3650

E karel.havlicek@tul.cz

Testing of cleaning processes (laboratory, semi-operational)

Centrifuga Sorvall Legend XFR

Centrifuga Sorvall Legend XFR

Bc. Petra Šubrtová

T +420 48535 3 893

E petra.subrtova@tul.cz

Large capacity centrifuge

DFT – 4 (Dust Filter Tester)

DFT – 4 (Dust Filter Tester)

Ing. Jakub Hrůza, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 7348

E jakub.hruza@tul.cz

Atmospheric air coarse filtration testing

Flocculation bench

Flocculation bench

Bc. Petra Šubrtová

T +420 48535 3 893

E petra.subrtova@tul.cz

Testing flocculation processes

Krüss DSA30E

Krüss DSA30E

Ing. Kateřina Medková

T +420 48535 895

E katerina.medkova@tul.cz

Measuring the contact angle of wetting

LMD - Laboratory Membrane Distillation Unit

LMD - Laboratory Membrane Distillation Unit

RNDr. Luboš Mrkva, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3263

E lubos.mrkva@tul.cz

Hydrophobic membrane testing, drinking water and wastewater treatment

LSD 119 (Liquid Separation Device)

LSD 119 (Liquid Separation Device)

Ing. Jakub Hrůza, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 7348

E jakub.hruza@tul.cz

Water filtration process simulation for cleanable membranes

LSD 219 (Liquid Separation Device)

LSD 219 (Liquid Separation Device)

Ing. Jakub Hrůza, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 7348

E jakub.hruza@tul.cz

Semi-operational simulation of water filtration process for cleanable membranes

Mempur unit

Mempur unit

Mgr. Milena Johnová

T +420 48535 3668

E milena.johnova@tul.cz

2 filter units per immersion polymer and ceramic module



Ing. Jakub Hrůza, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 7348

E jakub.hruza@tul.cz

Testing of HEPA filters

Intended for areal materials used for highly efficient filtration

Nanoelectra NEV3

Nanoelectra NEV3

Ing. Magda Nechanická, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3668

E magda.nechanicka@tul.cz

Potentiostat to bioelectrochemical system

Porometer 3G Micro + Macropulos 55

Porometer 3G Micro + Macropulos 55

Ing. Kateřina Medková

T +420 48535 895

E katerina.medkova@tul.cz

Bubble Pore Size Testing

Respirometer Micro-Oxymax 10

Respirometer Micro-Oxymax 10

Bc. Petra Šubrtová

T +420 48535 3 893

E petra.subrtova@tul.cz

Monitoring changes of O2, CO2, H2 and CH4 in biological processes in a closed system

Respirometer Micro-Oxymax 30

Respirometer Micro-Oxymax 30

Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3650

E karel.havlicek@tul.cz

Monitoring O2 and CO2 changes in biological processes in a closed system

SBH200DC block thermostat

SBH200DC block thermostat

Bc. Petra Šubrtová

T +420 48535 3 893

E petra.subrtova@tul.cz

Heating of cuvettes



Ing. Kateřina Medková

T +420 48535 895

E katerina.medkova@tul.cz

Testing the breathability of textiles

Spectrophotometer DR 6000, Hach Lange

Spectrophotometer DR 6000, Hach Lange

Bc. Petra Šubrtová

T +420 48535 3 893

E petra.subrtova@tul.cz

The equipment allows spectral scanning in the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum and contains dozens of programs that are used for the most common analytical methods.

Ultrafiltration unit

Ultrafiltration unit

RNDr. Luboš Mrkva, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3263

E lubos.mrkva@tul.cz

Hydraulic and retention tests of ultrafiltration membranes using Amicon® filter cells

VDI 3926 Filter Tester

VDI 3926 Filter Tester

Ing. Mgr. Lukáš Dvořák, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3260

E lukas.dvorak@tul.cz

Hot flue gas filtration testing with filter materials and filter cleaning capability


General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group