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Breakthrough laser technologies for smart manufacturing, space and biotech applications


  • Name: Breakthrough laser technologies for smart manufacturing, space and biotech applications
  • Acronyme: LASAPP
  • Date of implementation: 01. 01. 2024 - 31. 08. 2028
  • Project number: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004573
  • EU financial support:

About LASAPP project:

The LasApp project primarily develops existing state-of-the-art laser technologies, for which it is looking for completely new application directions with the potential for breakthrough solutions on an international scale. The project will result in excellent scientific outputs including outputs with application potential. The project will lead to the internationalisation of laser technology research, the development of excellent teams and international cooperation. It will be important to have a broad collaboration with other institutes in the Czech Republic by creating a distributed infrastructure covering and coordinating research and development activities in the field of cutting-edge laser technologies, both in the research of advanced laser radiation sources and their potential use for smart processing and refinement of materials for circular economy, space and biomedical applications. The effectiveness of current infrastructure investments will thus build on previous programme periods. The project includes, among others, the workplaces that assembled and commissioned the first Czechoslovak lasers in 1962-1963 and are now among the leading workplaces in the field of laser technology in the Czech Republic and internationally.

The main objective of the project is to develop a centre of scientific excellence and competence in laser technology with a focus on fibre and thin-disc lasers and their potential applications.

The LasApp project consists of 4 research projects:

  • Advanced fibre laser technologies and applications
    head researcher: Pavel Honzátko, ÚFE
  • Applications of lasers in space
    head researcher: Martin Smrž, HiLASE
  • Laser applications in biotechnology
    head researcher: Zdena Palková, BIOCEV
  • Lasers for smart manufacturing
    head researcher: Sunil Pathak, deputy head: Jan Brajer, HiLASE

Principal beneficiary:

Institute of Photonics and Electronics AV ČR, v. v. i.


Institute of Physics AV ČR, v. v. i., HiLASE
Charles University - Faculty of Science, BIOCEV
Institute of Plasma Physics AV ČR, v. v. i., Centrum TOPTEC
Department of Instrumentation AV ČR, v. v. i.
Technical University of Liberec, Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations

Ing. Jan Kočí

Principal Investigator for TUL

Ing. Jan Kočí

T +420 48535 3606, +420 725 578 591

E jan.koci@tul.cz

Digitization, management, enterprise and software architecture, integration​


General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group