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Staff Directory

Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.

Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3650

E karel.havlicek@tul.cz

Office L02015

  • (OTZP): Member of department
  • (LACH): Junior researcher
Language abilities
Czech, English, Russian

Water biotechnology; Nanomaterials; Respirometry; Project management, Communication with the professional public (publications, conferences, etc.)

Expert member of CzWA; Member of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation of the Liberec Region



Achieved education

Technical University of Liberec - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology (Bc., Ing., Ph.D.)

Other appointments

Internal auditor of an accredited laboratory

Deputy head, deputy quality manager of the accredited laboratory



  • HAVLÍČEK, K. et al. Kompozitní nanovlákenný nosič s integrovanou živinovou složkou [utility model] Enlisted at 20231120 as No. 37498. https://isdv.upv.gov.cz/doc/FullFiles/UtilityModels/FullDocuments/FDUM0037/uv037498.pdf
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. et al. Nanovlákenný nosič pro konzervaci vinařských kvasinek [funkční vzorek]
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. et al. Nanovlákenný nosič pro prospekci - „sběrač“ [funkční vzorek]
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. et al. Postup výroby kompozitního nanovlákenného nosiče s integrovanou živinovou složkou [ověřená technologie]. 2023.
  • KOLČAVOVÁ SIRKOVÁ, B. et al. Warp knitted spacer microfiber biomass carrier for wastewater treatment Journal of Industrial Textiles Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023, vol. 53, issue August. P. neuvedeny (15 stran). ISSN: 1528-0837. https://doi.org/10.1177/15280837231154533


  • RAMAKRISHNAN, R. K. et al. Gum Hydrocolloids Reinforced Silver Nanoparticle Sponge for Catalytic Degradation of Water Pollutants Polymers MDPI, 2022, vol. 14, issue 15. P. neuvedeny (16 stran). ISSN: 2073-4360. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/15/3120
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. et al. High Barrier Nanocomposite Film with Accelerated Biodegradation by Clay Swelling Induced Fragmentation Macromolecular Materials and Engineering Wiley, 2022, vol. 307, issue 6. P. neuvedeny (8 stran). ISSN: 1438-7492. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mame.202100727
  • NECHANICKÁ, M. et al. Laboratorní elektro-post-denitrifikační jednotka [funkční vzorek]
  • NECHANICKÁ, M. et al. Ověřená technologie elektro-post-denitrifikace s reálnými vodami [ověřená technologie]. 2022.
  • LEDERER, T., HAVLÍČEK, K. , and KOLČAVOVÁ SIRKOVÁ, B. Technologie úplného odstraňování dusíku a fosforu z odpadních vod využívající cíleně vyráběných textilních nosičů biomasy [ověřená technologie]. 2022.
  • LEDERER, T. et al. Textilní nosič biomasy [utility model] Enlisted at 20220215 as No. 35793. https://isdv.upv.cz/doc/FullFiles/UtilityModels/FullDocuments/FDUM0035/uv035793.pdf


  • VENKATESHAIAH, A. et al. Alkenyl succinic anhydride modified tree-gum kondagogu: A bio-based material with potential for food packaging Carbohydrate Polymers 1. ed. Oxon: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2021, vol. 266, issue August. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 0144-8617. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144861721005130
  • HAVLÍČEK, K., NECHANICKÁ, M., LEDERER, T. , and KOLČAVOVÁ SIRKOVÁ, B. Analysis of nitrifying bacteria growth on two new types of biomass carrier using respirometry and molecular genetic methods Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2021, vol. 225, issue 12. P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISSN: 0147-6513. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651321009076?via=ihub
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. , and LEDERER, T. Core/Shell nosič biomasy pro systémy MBBR [funkční vzorek]
  • NECHANICKÁ, M., HAVLÍČEK, K. , and ŘEZANKA, M. Development of conductive nanomaterials for biotechnology applications World Nanotechnology Conference, 2021pp. https://worldnanotechnologyconference.com/about/past-events
  • SCHOVANEC, P. et al. Feasibilities of foam-forming bacteria disintegration by ultrasonic atomization EPJ Web of Conferences 1. ed. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, 2021 P. 193 – 196. ISSN: 2100-014X. https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202226401040
  • SVOBODOVÁ, L. et al. Microfiber Structure for Enhanced Immobilization of Nitrifying Bacteria in a Post-nitrification Reactor Environmental Technology and Innovation 1. ed. NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER, 2021, vol. 21, issue February. P. neuvedeny (15 stran). ISSN: 2352-1864. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352186421000213
  • HAVLÍČEK, K., LEDERER, T., NECHANICKÁ, M. , and KOLČAVOVÁ SIRKOVÁ, B. Vývoj kompozitního mikrovlákenného nosiče biomasy pro post-treatment procesy na ČOV SBORNÍK PŘÍSPĚVKŮ 14. BIENÁLNÍ KONFERENCE CzWA VODA 2021 1. ed. Brno: ASOCIACE PRO VODU ČR z.s., 2021 P. 193 – 201. ISBN: 978-80-11-00385-2. https://www.czwa.cz/podrobny-program-CZ485



  • GRÉGR, J. et al. Elektricky zvlákněné materiály s integrovanými anorganickými částicemi POLYMER COMPOSITES 2019 – Proceedings Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2019 P. 23 – 28. ISBN: 978-80-01-06582-2. http://polymer-composites.cz/sbornik-konference-2019/
  • HAVLÍČEK, K., GRÉGR, J., LEDERER, T. , and SVOBODOVÁ, L. Funkční vzorek kompozitního nanovlákenného nosiče biomasy [funkční vzorek]
  • HAVLÍČEK, K., DOLINA, J., DVOŘÁK, L. , and NOSEK, J. Modification of PES membrane through in-situ formed silver nanoparticles to mitigate biofouling World Nanotechnology Conference, Dubai, UAE Dubai: , 2019pp.
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. Modified nanofibrous carriers for specific growth of bacteria and modern methods of biofilm evaluation 11th IWA EE YWP Conference: Water for All, Water for Nature, Reliable Water Supply, Wastewater, Treatment and Reuse Praha: , 2019pp.
  • HAVLÍČEK, K. Nanofibers for Immobilization of Microorganisms Used for Advanced Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources 2019 1. ed. Petrohrad, Rusko: , 2019pp. ISBN: 978-5-94211-875-4.


  • HAVLÍČEK, K., GRÉGR, J. , and KEJZLAR, P. Nanofibers with incorporated magnetic nanoparticles NANOCON 2016 - Conference Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application 2016 1. ed., 2017 P. 308 – 313. ISBN: 978-808729471-0.


  • HAVLÍČEK, K., KOŠŤÁKOVÁ, E., GRÉGR, J. , and KEJZLAR, P. Nanofibers with Magnetic Properties Nanocon 2015 Conference proceedings 1. ed. Ostrava: Tanger, 2015 P. 302 – 308. ISBN: 9788087294635.

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group