+420 485 353 852|



Project Department of Machines Design

  • Modularita zemědělských strojů s podporou pokročilých výrobních technologií detail
  • Modulární IoT systém pro sledování kvality čištění průmyslových procesních vod a stavu filtrů, včetně jejich automatizované regenerace detail
  • Modular micro-house made of composite materials for urgent situations in warm-humid climate - COMPHOUSE detail
  • Modular platform for autonomous chassis of specialized electric vehicles for freight and equipment detail
  • MODUS - inov.vocher detail
  • MPO OP PIK detail
  • Nanoprogress IV etapa III detail
  • National centre for precission agriculture detail
  • Design and modelling of textiles with antimicrobial properties with polyphosphates obtained from industrial sludges detail
  • Design and modelling of textiles with antimicrobial properties with polyphosphate obtained from industrial sludges detail
  • The heat flow optimization realized on the plastic parts producing machine with a modern simulation methods detail
  • Advanced Mechatronic Component AMeCo detail
  • TAČR - GAMA detail
  • PROSYKO 2 - NÁZEV - bal.6 detail
  • PROSYKO 2 - Funkční vzorek etiketovací jednotky pro SMART packaging - bal.18 detail
  • PROSYKO 2 - Zařízení pro individuální trénink, zlepšování kondice a rehabilitaci - bal.17 detail
  • Pre-preparation of agricultural bio-waste materials for pyrolysis combustion technology detail
  • Composite Side Beam Production and Application for Automotive Passive Safety System (COBEPSAS) - 2022 detail
  • Reliability-based Of Construction Design of Curved Composite Structures for Marine and Offshore Application detail
  • Study of membrane disruption theory for antimicrobial properties of polyphosphate obtained from industrial sludges detail

General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group