ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT! Compete with ideas to improve the environment at CXI

19. 3. 2024

NOT COMPETED YOUR IDEA YET? YOU STILL HAVE 10 DAYS TO FIX IT! The deadline for your submissions is March 30th!

At the beginning of February, we launched a COMPETITION for the best idea to improve CXI's approach to the environment. Want greener interiors? Better use of water? Bee hives on the roof of the building? Think about how we can improve our collective approach to the environment and what we can change.

Send your competition entries to by 30 March 2024. If you have a fantastic idea in your head that can make a real difference, now is the time to share it with everyone!

The terms and conditions of the competition are simple:
We are looking for practical and workable ideas. We intend not only to discuss how we can improve our sustainability, but also to actually move to action. Your suggestions should be feasible within our business and make a positive impact on our environmental position.

How to participate and therefore contribute? Just send us your idea or project proposal to by 30 March 2024. You can participate as an individual or a team. Afterwards, all entries will be evaluated and we will announce the three best ideas, which will be rewarded with prizes!



Těšíme se na vaše inovativní myšlenky a kreativní nápady. Nechejme se překvapit, jak můžeme společně posunout naši firmu směrem k udržitelnější budoucnosti. Takže se pusťte do práce a pojďme společně vytvořit lepší a zelenější prostředí pro všechny na CXI!

Hlavní partneři

Skupina UJV
Škoda Auto
Česká Zbrojovka
Fakultní nemocnice Motol