Project Department of applied biology
- HyLife – Microbial risks associated with hydrogen underground storage in Europe detail
- Chitosan Nanocomposites as a Dual-Action Therapeutics for the Prevention and Treatment of Lyme Disease detail
- Improving Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Cure with Local Injectable Anti-Angiogenic Nanoparticle Embolization Biomaterials detail
- Innovative and sustainable solutions for plastic-free European rivers: prevention and elimination of litter, plastics and microplastics detail
- Inovativní metody snižování emisí N2O ze zemědělských ploch detail
- Innovative technology supporting the soil microbiome through the application of biochemically active humic substances from carbonaceous raw materials detail
- Smart Packaging Revolution: Renewed and Circular shelf-Life Materials for Enhanced Food Preservation detail
- Are the textile-derived microfibers toxic to aquatic ecosystems? How do they affect associated microbial community dynamics and antimicrobial resistance? detail
- Who is responsible here? Linking transformation of organochlorines with specific bacterial populations detail
- Kompozitní fotoaktivní nanomateriály k preventivní ochraně stavebních památek detail
- Kompozitní fotoaktivní nanomateriály k preventivní ochraně stavebních památek detail
- COoperative catabolic iNteractioNs bEtween fungi and baCTeria during the microbial breakdown of anthropogenic chemicals in polluted environments detail
- Limiting Factors for Survivability and Proliferation of Microorganisms Significant for Corrosion of Deep Geological Repository Barrier Systems detail
- Metabolická plasticita bakterií rezistentních na těžké kovy in-situ detail
- Metody in situ ochrany sladkovodních biotopů s využitím sinic a řas jako indikačních druhů detail
- Textile-derived microplastics in aquatic ecosystems: identification, characterizations, and effect assessment detail
- Mitigation of fibrosis in Rare Autoimmune Liver Diseases by Kupffer Cells Modulation with siRNA-Functionalized Lipid Nanoparticles detail
- Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Effective Agro-Chemical Delivery detail
- Natural Hydrogen Exploration Technologies detail
- NCP WIDRA.NET - Nhung Nguyen detail